Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank
The Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank provides additional paid leave days for members of the Bank who have exhausted all available paid leave in the event of a catastrophic illness or injury. The maximum number of Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank days granted to any active member is a combined total of 75 paid days per rolling 12-month period with a lifetime maximum of 225 days. To join the Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank to employee makes a one-time donation of paid leave days to the bank.
There are two levels of coverage available:
Employee only coverage
Employee + Family coverage
Employee Only Coverage: To join employee only Sick Leave Bank, employees make a one-time donation of three (3) paid leave days.
Family Coverage: Covers the employee, the employee's legal spouse, dependent child under the age of 18/or disabled adult child. To join Family Sick Leave Bank, employees make a one-time donation of six (6) paid leave days.
Upgrade from Employee Only Coverage to Family Coverage: Employees currently enrolled in the SLB may upgrade to employee + family coverage by donating three (3) additional leave days, for a combine total of six (6) days.
Continuous membership in the Sick Leave Bank does not require donating additional days each year unless the member receives paid days from the bank.