Arlington ISD

Employee Benefits Portal

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Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank

The Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank provides additional paid leave days for members of the Bank who have exhausted all available paid leave in the event of a catastrophic illness or injury. The maximum number of Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank days granted to any active member is a combined total of 75 paid days per rolling 12-month period with a lifetime maximum of 225 days. To join the Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank to employee makes a one-time donation of paid leave days to the bank.

There are two levels of coverage available:
             Employee only coverage
             Employee + Family coverage

Employee Only Coverage:
To join employee only Sick Leave Bank, employees make a one-time donation of three (3) paid leave days.

Family Coverage:
Covers the employee, the employee's legal spouse, dependent child under the age of 18/or disabled adult child. To join Family Sick Leave Bank, employees make a one-time donation of six (6) paid leave days.

Upgrade from Employee Only Coverage to Family Coverage:
Employees currently enrolled in the SLB may upgrade to employee + family coverage by donating three (3) additional leave days, for a combine total of six (6) days.

Continuous membership in the Sick Leave Bank does not require donating additional days each year unless the member receives paid days from the bank.

Benefits & Forms

Arlington Independent School District